Employee exposure to wet floors or spills and clutter can lead to slips/trips/falls and other possible injuries. Good work practices and good housekeeping can prevent these types of accidents.
Keep floors clean and dry. In addition to being a slip hazard, continually wet surfaces promote the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria that can cause infections. Be sure that spills are cleaned up immediately and reported, if necessary. Provide warning signs for wet floor areas, and clean only one side of a passageway at a time.
Where wet processes are used, maintain drainage and provide false floors, platforms, mats, or other dry standing places where practicable, or provide appropriate waterproof footgear to decrease slip/fall hazards.
Aisles and passageways should be sufficiently wide for easy movement, kept clear and in good repair with no obstruction across or in aisles. Provide floor plugs for equipment so power cords need not run across pathways. Temporary electrical cords that cross aisles should be taped or anchored to the floor. Eliminate uneven floor surfaces. Re-lay or stretch carpets that bulge or have become bunched to prevent tripping hazards.
Provide good lighting for all halls and stairwells. Instruct all employees to use the handrail on stairs, to avoid undue speed, and to maintain an unobstructed view of the stairs ahead of them.
Keep exits free from obstruction. Access to exits must remain clear of obstructions at all times. For further information go to: www.osha.gov/SLTC