On Thursday October 15th, the NJDEP held a seminar on Hazardous Waste. Below are highlights of the topics discussed:
- One important discussion was the impending implementation of an electronic manifest for hazardous waste shipments. This item has been under discussion for quite some time, always with the idea that the change will be coming soon. As it turns out, “soon” may end up being mid-November. In fact the EPA has already completed the e-manifest website (currently undergoing improvements*). It was mentioned that New Jersey will be the lead state for implementation of the system.
- Another major topic from the seminar centered on the first of a pair of EPA proposed rule changes. The first change regarding pharmaceutical waste pertains to healthcare facilities and pharmacies. Amongst other changes, this proposal would allow for reverse distribution of p-listed substances, while foregoing TSD requirements for the distributors.
The second proposed rule change pertains to the hazardous waste generator rules. The main purpose of this proposal is to reorganize the regulations for haz. waste generation making them more “user-friendly”. The proposal would also allow episodic generation for conditionally exempt and small quantity generators. These generators would be allowed to accumulate in excess of 1,000 kg of hazardous waste once per year (with EPA permission) without triggering large quantity generator status.
Additional information on the topics discussed at the seminar can be found here.
*As of 10/20/15