On Thursday, April 28, 2016, Baron Environmental Associates hosted its first Bring Your Kids To Work Day. The kids started their busy day by introducing themselves and told the group what their parents did while working for Baron. The Baron team explained our Scrum/Agile Board and gave the kids tasks to accomplish during the day, keeping track of these tasks on our Scrum/Agile Board. The kids assisted the office by answering the incoming telephone calls, and they worked on our marketing efforts by applying labels and stamps to postcards.
The Baron team then involved the kids in an interactive, hands on program discussing various topics including Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, proper donning and doffing of latex gloves, use of hard hats, safety vests, safety shoes, goggles, hazard communications, personal safety, hearing protection, and other topics.

They also created safety and environmental posters. Their favorite parts of the day were: the postcard stamping, learning about what Baron does, and trying on all the safety equipment. They also helped to write this blog article.