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Jeffrey Fedors

NJDEP Updates General Permits (GPs) for Boilers and Heaters (GP-017)

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is announcing a change to its general permits (GPs). The change will affect minor source facilities. The changes are described in detail below.

NJDEP also made available a graphic presentation describing the changes taking place. Please find that file in the link shown:

Change from GP-017 to GP-017A: This minor source permit affects facilities with boilers and heaters rated below 5 MMBtu/hr. The new name for this permit will be GP-017A. The changes scheduled for this permit will include federal requirements for MACT JJJJJJ (pronounced mact-six-jay) for boiler and heater tune-ups. This change will also simplify the permitting process by imposing self-chosen limits at the time of permit application based on the specifications entered in DEP’s online application. Previously the permittee had to select from one of several specified options for limits on the use of their equipment. GP-017A is anticipated to be available online starting March 20, 2017.

Facilities that currently have GP-017 will not have to make immediate changes to their facility’s permits. There are two ways a change to the new permit will be required. First, if the facility installs additional equipment that would be covered under GP-017A after the effective date, a new permit will have to be obtained. Second, when the facility has to renew a permit that is scheduled to expire after the effective date of the new permit, the facility will have to apply for the new applicable general permit instead of continuing with the old version.

Baron Environmental Associates provides services for New Jersey Air Permitting at every step of the regulatory process - including permit applicability, applying for a permit, and permit compliance. If you would like a free review or proposal, or simply have questions, please contact our office through email or at 908-508-9000.

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