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EPA updated Underground Storage Tank Training Regulations

Kaylin Mahoney

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the requirement for Underground Storage Tank (UST) Operators that will require all UST professionals to become either a Class A, B or C operator. Each UST system must have at a minimum a Class A, Class B, and Class C operator. The purpose of this update is to ensure that all owners and operators of USTs are properly trained in operating and maintaining UST systems.

A Class A operator is the head operator and has the responsibility of operating and maintain the UST system. Their main duties include maintaining records and compliance with requirements and overseeing personnel and resources. A Class B operator is in charge of operating and maintaining USTs on a day-to-day basis. A Class C operator is trained to be the first individual to respond to an emergency situation. Their main responsibilities are to notify other facility personnel and applicable agencies as well as respond to all UST alarms.

This regulation is applicable to all USTs regulated under the New Jersey Storage of Hazardous Substances Act (N.J.S.A 58:10A -21 and N.J.A.C 7:14B). If the UST system was installed before October 13, 2015, the designated operators must have completed Class A, B, and C training by October 18, 2018.

Rutgers University is offering classes to train operators to become Class A or B operators. All individuals who are required to take the course must pass an International Code Council (ICC) examination. For more information on the class, please visit: After the ICC examination is passed by operators at a facility, the owner must submit a questionnaire (found here: that indicates the names of the Class A, B, and C operators for each UST system within 30 days of the operator becoming certified.

If you have any questions about UST systems or the new training requirements, please contact Tommy Perez of Baron Environmental at

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